Together, we can make a difference in the lives of people around the world. Every act of kindness, no matter how small, brings hope, support, and positive change. Let’s unite to create a brighter future for everyone
Catch It From The Root, is a charitable organization focused on creating sustainable solutions to improve communities, particularly in areas of social, economic, and environmental development. Their mission emphasizes empowerment through human rights advocacy and equality, while their vision seeks a world where compassion and solidarity bridge gaps across borders, fostering resilience and opportunities for all.
many people need help, whether it’s due to poverty, lack of access to healthcare, education, or natural disasters. As individuals, communities, and organizations, we all play a role in supporting others.
Join us at CIFTR for exciting events that bring our community together! From fundraisers and workshops to cultural celebrations and outreach programs, there’s something for everyone. Your participation supports our mission to make a positive impact. Stay tuned for upcoming event details and be a part of the change!
Donations: Contribute financially or with goods to our charitable organization addressing critical issues like hunger, education, or disaster relief.
Volunteerism: Offer your time and skills to local shelters, food banks, or community program
+1 239 244 5387